Our mission is to provide a convenient,
clean, and friendly laundromat service.

About Midlothian Laundromat

Being in the cleaning and restoration business, we know how important it is to keep a clean and safe environment for our customers. We pride ourselves on having the cleanest laundromats in Chicago land area. There is nothing worse than walking in a Laundromat to clean your clothes, and look down at a dirty floor and or filthy surroundings in general.

It is important to keep a clean home away from home environment for all of our customers. In the attempt to bring your home to our Laundromat, we have television, wireless high speed internet, snack vending machine, soda machine and a lot of different magazines to browse at. Our laundromat is relaxing, and we have something for everyone to enjoy.

We would like to earn your business and if you need assistance on any specialty items such as washing machines, coin vending machine, snack vending machine, etc. please don’t hesitate in calling, and or asking the attendant.

Midlothian Laundromat Gallery

Click below to view the Gallery

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Contact Midlothian Laundromat

Feel free to email us to provide some feedback on our business, give us suggestions for new toys, perks you all would like to see in here, or to just say hello!

You can contact us at our email.
If you see any bugs, please contact webmaster.

You may also want to visit us:
3664 147th St
Midlothian, Illinois 60445
Call Us: 708-305-1318

Open 7 Days a Week
Weekdays 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Saturday 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Sunday 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM